Foundations of Latin will begin in the Grammar and Logic levels with an option for students to continue Latin to fulfill their two-year language credit requirement for graduation in the Rhetoric level. Grammar level Latin is designed to be an exposure to language. Students will focus on vocabulary in categories and scaffolded stories that build confidence in translation. Logic level Latin is designed for students to use Latin as an auxiliary tool to mold their presentation of ideas. Students will focus on vocabulary in context and strengthening grammar through translation. Rhetoric level Latin is designed for students to tackle advanced grammar forms, finesse of translation, and exposure to primary sources.  

Magister Aaron Scott Munce is overseeing the Latin learning program with primary focus of instruction in the Logic level. His instruction will also include the construction of Latin curriculum, classroom guidance, and periodic classroom teaching for the Grammar level. Grammar level Latin will meet two times a week for thirty minutes. Logic level Latin will meet four times a week. Rhetoric level Latin is planned to be offered as an elective beginning in the 2025-2026 school year.  

Yes, we plan to offer Rhetoric level Latin as an elective language class beginning in the 2025-2026 school year. 

The weekly grammar chapel schedule and format will continue unchanged on Thursday mornings under the guidance and leadership of Pastor Kirk Flaa. 

Once each month, Schools of Logic and Rhetoric students and staff will join the grammar students at the Abiding Savior chapel service on the main campus.  

The remaining weeks of the month, chapel for logic and rhetoric students will be led by Pastor Dave Ryerson at the 308 campus. We look forward to exploring and developing new opportunities to connect upper grade level students with each other and with their Heavenly Father through worship and Bible study. 

We recognize that a second site will present new challenges in maintaining connection between the Grammar School and the Schools of Logic and Rhetoric students. One way we will maintain that connection is through a combined monthly chapel service on the Abiding Savior main campus.  

We are confident that with more time and intentional planning, there are sure to be additional ways for us to maintain and even nurture the continued priority of remaining one school rather than two, united in our purpose and passion to learn, grow, and worship together.  

Start and end times will remain the same at the main Abiding Savior campus for the 2024-2025 school year. As, such, the school day for K-5 students will run from 8:00 to 2:45. The junior kindergarten program will also remain the same from 8:00-11:30. Similarly, preschool times are unchanged (morning preschool – 9:00-11:30 and afternoon preschool – 12:30-3:00). Doors will continue to open at 7:40 each morning at the Abiding Savior campus to accommodate those that require an earlier drop-off.  

The logic and rhetoric school day will start at 8:15am and conclude at 3:05pm. Supervised student access at the new 308 campus will begin at 7:30 with a likely end time of 3:45 each school day.  We are excited to utilize before and after school opportunities for students to enjoy open community time and additional fellowship outside of the traditional classroom setting. This time could include increased and intentional access to teachers and staff, project or small group time, individual or group study time, or informal and organized student activities and clubs.  

This is a topic that we’ve been considering with our teachers, as an executive leadership team, and even with input beyond our leadership group. While we do not have an answer to this question yet, it will be a summer consideration and project to devote the time and attention this policy requires. 

Any decision resulting in changes will be communicated over the summer.  

The inclusion of fine arts as an integral part of student education is a development priority at Abiding Savior Academy. Based on our desire to nurture the whole person, we recognize the arts as an important means of personal growth, creativity, and expression.  

In the Grammar School, music and visual arts have been included as special classes since our inception. Using classical music and art curriculum, students in grades K-5 enjoy instruction during weekly classes as an integrated part of the school day. Music class includes practical experiences through participation in annual Christmas and spring performances, building confidence and developing musical and theatrical skills. Art projects adorn the classrooms and hallways of the school, demonstrating the emerging skills and creativity explored in weekly art classes.  

In the School of Logic, students in grades 6-8 continue to experiment and develop skills across a broadening range of fine arts experience. Currently, our Logic students participate in music and musical performance classes each week. This year, we introduced musical theatre and drama. Their efforts will be displayed at the upcoming spring performance in early May. Art classes continue to introduce students to the varied opportunities emphasizing the studio arts including drawing, sculpture, painting, and photography. Our goal at this level is to introduce or expand each student’s familiarity with required opportunities in the fine arts, allowing them a chance to experience and evaluate their interests and gifts in a wide range of possibilities.  

Fine arts at the Rhetoric level are designed to allow students to pursue additional individual or group activities based on interest. While our current enrollment necessarily limits many group activities such as band, orchestra, or choir, our hope is to allow students to select and partner with outside groups until we can grow and develop internal opportunities. We are fortunate to have Mr. Toby Bryant to facilitate this process through his expansive experience and network of connections within Sioux Falls and the surrounding community. In the meantime, rhetoric students will continue to learn and develop understanding and appreciation of music and art as crucial and connected components of our integrated humanities curriculum. Emphasizing time and place within a historical and theological context, students will be intentionally introduced to the importance of the arts in our past and in the present. Formal, informal, integrated, and extracurricular opportunities will all continue to be explored and introduced as our school grows and expands in the upper grades.  

We currently offer cross-country, various sports camps, comic club and chess club. We have also purchased archery equipment for potential competitive participation by individuals or even as a team.  

Future considerations in the short term may include the introduction of competitive speech and debate, oral interpretation, Bible Bowl/quiz competitions or mathematics teams. 

The transition of the Schools of Logic and Rhetoric to the 308 campus for the upcoming school year, as well as increased enrollment numbers, will increase the possibilities of activity offerings. The improved gym space at the 308 building will significantly enhance opportunities for organized physical activities and sports. We are also excited about the development of a Maker’s Space at the 308, which will provide a creative hands-on area for students to utilize.   

In the meantime, extracurricular activities within the surrounding community are also available to our students, even as we grow and develop opportunities withing our Academy. Mr. Toby Bryant will continue to coordinate and connect students and families with internal and external activities, and he is always willing to assist families with information and next steps regarding the wide range of possibilities available to Abiding Savior Academy students.  

Activities Director, Toby Bryant, is always willing to assist families with information and next steps regarding a wide range of possibilities available to Abiding Savior Academy students. We currently have students participating in a number of extracurricular activities, both competitively and recreationally. The first step is to connect with Toby Bryant at