Thank you to all who were able to attend last night’s Summer Scoop event! What a great turnout! Selfishly I had hoped for a bunch of leftover ice cream for teacher training week, but we only have one gallon left! Some of the kids were pretty liberal with their toppings too, so I guess we will be eating apples during training week. At any rate, here is a brief summary of information we shared:
1. New Building for Logic and Rhetoric Students in Fall 2024
Abiding Savior purchased a building! On July 31st, our church council closed on a building at 308 W. 37thStreet. While we will continue to follow God’s leading as to the future plans of the school, we envision this building bridging a gap to house our logic and rhetoric students for the next 3-5 years, as we have outgrown our current facility. We will spend the next year refreshing the building and making it suitable for our needs and look forward to opening the doors for our logic and rhetoric students beginning Fall 2024!
2. Cross country beginning August 21stat 5:00 PM
For students in grades 5th – 8th grade interested in running cross country, meet Coach Austin Huber in the Abiding Savior parking lot at 5:00 pm on Monday, August 21st. You can find more information about meet dates and times on the Parent Portal under Activities.
3. Parent Portal
As we have mentioned, we are excited to launch phase 1 of the Parent Portal this fall. We know it will be valuable to our parents to have one central point of communication. If you haven’t gotten on there yet, please check out https://parents.abidingacademy.org. We will also be sending out information for you to get set up on Remind – which is an app that gives you text notifications when new information is on our Portal. Supply lists are currently available, and we will be adding information about upcoming events very shortly.

4. Open House Information.
Back-to-School Open House will take place on Thursday, August 31st. This will be a time for younger students to come in and meet their teachers, bring their supplies, and see their rooms. It will be a time for older students to organize their lockers, walk through their schedule, see where classes will be this year. It will also be a time for parents to sign forms and take care of some of those miscellaneous items. Here’s how Back-to-School Open House will work:
Preschool students and parents – you have already communicated with your teacher regarding a time to come in for open house. We look forward to seeing you at that time.
Grammar students and parents – you will receive an email from your child’s teacher with an opportunity to select a time to come to meet the teacher. This will be between 1:00 – 5:00 pm.
Logic/Rhetoric students and parents – If you are a returning student (i.e., not an incoming 6th grader and not a new family to the Academy), you and at least one parent are free to come anytime between 4:00 – 6:00 pm. You will receive a checklist to complete from the welcome desk, as well as your class schedule. Parents, you will also have a few forms to complete in advance of the school year.
Logic/Rhetoric first-time students and parents – For those of you who are in 6th grade or are new to the Academy, we would love for you to come at 4:00 pm, so that you can attend a short welcome session with Dr. Brad Bierle. We want to ensure you are able to have any questions answered and feel confident beginning the school year. You will then have an opportunity to complete checklist items as well.
5. Mark your calendars for First Day Chapel.
The first day is always exciting and looks a little bit different every year. We are really excited this year to begin our first day off with chapel. Yes, chapel on Tuesday, not on Thursday – but just for this first week. We will be providing more details in the next week but would love to have parents mark in their calendars to join us from 8:15 – 9:00 AM on Tuesday, September 5th for chapel.
In Him,
Elise Knobloch
Communications Coordinator