Hello Academy K-5th grade families!

In case we haven’t had a chance to formally meet, my name is Melissa Steventon and I am the Music and Theatre Instructor at the Academy. This is my 4th year teaching at the Academy, and every single year I am blown away by seeing God at work in this school and these students!

I wanted to let you know of an upcoming opportunity for our students to use their musical talents!

We have been invited to perform several songs at The Stand Dinner (hosted by Family Heritage Alliance), held on MONDAY, OCTOBER 30. The event begins at 6:00pm. We performed at this event last year, and they enjoyed it so much they asked us to come back again! We will be singing two songs — “God Bless the USA” and “Live Like That” — both songs we have done in previous years. We will not have an abundance of time to rehearse these during class, so this will primarily involve our 1st-5th grade students as they are already familiar with the music (though Kindergarten students who know these songs from JK last year are welcome to join in the performance as well!). Our time commitment for the evening is generally around 30-45 minutes. I will provide more information as we get closer to the event.

If your child is interested in participating in this event, please email me at melissa.steventon@abidingacademy.org to let me know.

Thank you for entrusting your children to our care. It is such a gift to be a part of their world!!

Melissa Steventon
Abiding Savior Academy Music & Theatre Instructor